Saturday, February 18, 2012

China blog #16

Here in China, the Americans like to talk about Chin-glish, a screwed up version of English; you maybe heard of Span-glish, its just like that, except Spanglish tends to be a hybrid that actually works maybe better than either language, where as Chin-glish is just flat messed up most of the time.  I started a collection; this is about 3 days worth, I wish I would have started sooner.

My personal favorite: top row, middle one.

there was a whole fleet of buses marked "terra cotta warrlors"

Huh? What?  I've no idea, it was on a wall advertisement.

These two were at the railway station...

on a note book

I think they didn't want you hanging out without buying something...

 Chinese philosophy: order you not to, but then give you the means if you decide to anyway...

everybody appreciates a warm notice

Yes, be very carefully slipping!

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