Saturday, February 18, 2012

China Blog #12

Sunday was a bit of a day of rest for some of us. We didn't have too much planned in the order of scheduled events, so we just hung out after the informal church service of about 30 believers that were back from winter break already. What diverse group, and what a challenge to lead a bible study with all of them together, there is someone that represents nearly every flavor of the faith, and seems like a good testimonial that they can get along with each other as well as they can. 
As it turned out, Sunday happened to be the exact mirror image of Friday.  On Friday, the "boys" went out for hot-pot, then a massage, and finished up by coming home to a massive flood. Sunday morning, however, we woke up to an even more massive flood, then I took a small herd of girls to the same massage parlour, and finished up by taking an even larger herd of girls to hot-pot. The new flood was caused by the same water pipe bursting as Friday might. Mercifully, Herself and I didn't have any water come into out room, and we just heard about it from all the people on the other end of the hall, having to clean it up for hours in the middle of the night. The girl in charge of Peter Hall told us that this was the 5th flood of 2012. They actually started naming them alphabeticly like hurricanes. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That can't feel good. You look like a guy with a case of HUGE measles.