Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Winter projects and pasture clearing

Here's a little project I did Saturday morning;  I got Wifey a "pot-rack" for Christmas to re-arrange some kitchen stuff.  So, Saturday, I (and 4 kiddos and Hound Dog) braved the frigid wind on January day and ripped a hole in the roof in order to make for sure it would hold up all that cast iron. I beefed it up a little, just in case. 

Four silly kiddos and a danged Hound Dog:

Finished product; the plate rack was also newly installed the same day.

Here are a few pictures for my own use; the fruit of my labor (and certainly my brother-in-law's)  
He LOVES to cut firewood, and I LOVE my brother-in-law!  He cuts, cleans up brush, and stacks firewood like a mad man!  It's GREAT!

 Unfortunately, though, he just about got his face ripped off by this tree (below) he dropped.  When he finished it, it popped up and came after him, about 8 feet!  He couldn't get out of the way fast enough and it really scraped him up.  I thought it was the perfect wound to teach someone the dangers of cutting timber; he didn't lose any body parts, but it hurt pretty bad, so it made an impression on him.  It hasn't slowed him down any on cutting; but he did break 1 law of Manlyness: he let some woman bandage it for him.  Sheesh, wear your scars with pride, man!  His response to about dying?  He went and took a nap.  He fits right nicely in to my In-Law's family.

I spent a little time one the other Sunday afternoon building a box that would just strap onto the front of the four wheeler when I needed it.  I can pick it up by myself if I need to.  Its just strapped on, and it is well worth the time I spent. No more scrounging up tools, and throwing them in the trailer and rattling around; it's got everything I need, in one place.  Complete with tree chemical, gas, oil, files, "screnches" hatchet, extra chains, and yes, that is a Judge pistol, just to eliminate any psychotic squirrels that attack woodsmen.  Vicious little creatures! 

One reason I love to burn wood is that I can really feel that I am winning in at least two areas.  I love not spending my hard-earned money on heating-fuel, but not only am I cutting firewood, I feel like I am redeeming the land; restoring it to a usable pasture, hopefully sooner than later.  I would include the benefit of keeping healthy and fit, but I don't know if all the sore backs, etc really makes that worth it in the "health" area...  
As I was removing the old and completely dilapidated SIX STRAND barbed wire fence (albeit at least 2 were needing pulled out of the ground), I  felt as if Wifey's Grandpa or more likely Great Grandpa or even Great-Great Grandpa would somehow approve of me doing this; at least in the sense of redeeming the land back from forest to usability. Anybody that would put up a six strand fence has to care about his place.  It was a little bitter-sweet, ripping out someone else's fence that he obviously spent a lot of time and money on.  All the same, I'm very grateful for the timber; it helps me tremendously to not have to go a-begging for firewood.  And needing to clear pasture helps keep me motivated to keep from flipping that little thermostat switch that kicks the propane heat on.  I hadn't used it in 6 years (it wasn't hooked up most of the time) except while I went to China.  I'm glad to say that I haven't used it since, either. 

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