Sunday, January 20, 2013

Grace illustrated to me

This last week I had something of an experience that illustrated Grace to me.  I really pride myself (the good kind of pride, of course) on being a forthright person, one that says what he means, and means what he says.   And trustworthy; those are things that I would like said about me, Character traits that have high merit in my world view.  I don't want to get into too many details and bore anyone, but last week I found myself stretching the truth to someone in order to make myself look good.  It wasn't a lie, it really wasn't; it was more like Abraham's mistruth about Sarah being his sister.  He just chose which part of the truth to tell; except in my case it didn't have anything to do with my wife or my sister, and I happen to be fortunate enough that they are actually and truly two different people, thank goodness.
But anyway, like most people, and even more than some, I really enjoy looking good.  And in business, to a certain extent when you are trying to sell a product; you are actually selling "you", since you are the person they are buying from. So in this case I just really focused on this one point that made me look really good that wasn't really the "whole truth".
The end result was that it really turned out astonishingly well.  Not because of what I did or said, but despite it.  This seems an apt description of Grace.  God is always faithful; even though we are not.  This really brought me to my knees this week much more than getting slapped down by Him, in retrospect. I truly didn't deserve any favor, and yet it was plopped in front of me regardless, and in a way that it was sooo obvious that I had nothing to do with it that I was left with nothing to do but give thanks to God.

Remove and replace guttering?                                                                            about $4.50 per foot
Remove and replace shingles?                                                                              about $180 per square
To once again realize that I really have little to do with what goes on around me?  That is Priceless

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