Thursday, March 24, 2011

corned beef

Here is a picture of a little something that we ate this week. I love me some corned beef, and after digging through the freezer first part of this month long enough to find some choice roasts and brisket, Wifey and I whipped up brine enough to immerse 15-20 pounds of beef for several weeks in it, and my Mother-in-law was gracious enough to cook it along with the obligatory cabbage and potatoes. Probably one of my favorite dishes, even though my ancestry is overwhelmingly more Scottish than Irish, probably because of my natural common sense rebels at the thought of Haggis, though I would like to try it once in my life.
The brine is pretty simple, though, its just the planning ahead part and the fridge space that is difficult. I did inject the brine into it, which was my own idea; don't know if that was right or wrong. The only thing that we had to buy specifically was the Prague Pink Curing Salt, which I guess accounts for the red look to the obviously well done meat.
I confess I cheated on this one though, my dad raised the meat... It's WAY easier!!!

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