Saturday, April 6, 2013

In which I describe one failure and one success...

First, I'll start with the good news: Canning the meat was (this time) a success!  No nasty accidents like last time.   Notice shiny new canner below, particularly note that the lid is sporting a pressure gauge. Also I read the instructions, instead of watching some loser on YouTube do it, which I found to be very helpful, because I learned that I did nearly EVERYTHING wrong!!!

 Below is the finished product:  One quart jar of canned pork.  Bring it on, Zombies! I was almost giggling watching the bubbles still coming to the surface, and listening for the "pop" of the lid.

And, now, an update on the Root Beer Blog:  BIG failure: After continuing to mess with it, we finally got it to ferment, but then it tasted less like a Root Beer and more like something that we scooped up out of a Root Puddle.  FAIL!  I think that maybe in this case I tried too hard, I should find a simpler recipe...  I'll try again.  Maybe I should try the finished product before I post the recipe; I could see myself reading my own blog and thinking, "I'll try that!" and failing all over again.

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