Monday, February 23, 2015


I know, you're thinking: "Really? More pictures of meat?  Really?" But this was just too much fun and too new (to me) to not blog about, even if just briefly.  Above is what 10 #'s of home grown, butchered, ground, processed, mixed, stuffed, smoked, dried and sliced pepperoni looks like.  Really, really fun. And yummy!  I think it turned out great; it isn't that weird gummy slimy stuff like what you buy at the store.  It tastes like sausage, just pepperoni flavored.

And, just FYI, if anyone ever wonders why I do this stuff; it's because its fun.  I know the labor I've got invested is off-the-charts high...  I don't even want to know how many hours I've got in this pepperoni alone.

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