Sunday, November 10, 2013

catching up on blogging

Wow, so much has happened since I last blogged; it seems an eternity ago.  I don't think I mentioned that prior to the big rains, Hutchinson had some really massive hail, so we have just been swamped at work, which translates to swamped at home.  But I have managed to get a few things done around here; one was Apple Day! It was very similar to last years; a little less silly, but a lot of fun, anyway.  We actually had 2 Apple Days this year, we pressed 8 bushels total, and we had Aunt Karen here to help the first time, but I lost all the pictures of the first one.  Here are some pictures:

Swamped seems to not do it justice; just this morning, I noticed an email that I hadn't seen saying that I have been shipped 6 more fruit/nut trees that I ordered a long time ago.  I have been looking for them, and was going to dig holes for them so that I didn't have to do it in the dark after work, but I spent half the day at the chapel yesterday at a workday, so I will spend all afternoon today digging holes and building fences around them to keep the sheep off of them... Ugh.

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