Saturday, April 9, 2011

one more reason to hate possums

Here is the last picture taken of the Valdois car. Arianna rolled it last Thursday night around 10:30 on her way home from work when she swerved to miss a possum driving on 96 highway at 70 plus MPH. I know, I know! To quote the Highway Patrolman, he said: "You swerved to MISS a possum? Don't you know you are supposed to run those buggers over?!" Luckily, she was unhurt, (wearing her seat belt), but the car was of course in pretty bad shape; the other side was a lot worse. The worst thing is, however, now there is a possum running around out there with an inflated sense of its own toughness. I can hear the stupid thing now, bragging to all its friends. "Did you see that? One look at me and that car just rolled over and played dead!"
Arianna: 0
Possums: 1


Roy said...

WOW! Sure thankful she wasn't hurt! KEEP WEARING THOSE SEAT BELTS!

MagenRanae said...

I'm sure she appreciates you posting this for all world (or at least our small part of it) to see! :)