Saturday, April 30, 2011

Mother's Day, Easter

Stu-Jack has been feeling very inferior lately. For example, Saturday before Easter, I was cooking breakfast for the kiddos, and here he comes, all dejected, head down and shoulders slumped. I asked him what was wrong. He replied: "I not very smart at Easter, I didn't even know we get baskets and hide eggs. I just not very smart at Easter." Poor little guy...

So for Mother's Day, Brynn asked for me to build another level onto the tree fort. Awesome of her, huh? Now that's a gift I can get into; she even helped me on Sunday. It took me longer than I thought, probably because everything is getting higher up now. Here is a picture of the improved fort:
I built the solid fence around it with a ladder on the inside with a trap door in the floor, because it has been increasingly obvious that Stu is a little psycho that has no fear at all. He could hardly be contained from getting on the top deck when I had just 3 boards screwed on. Finally I consented to allow him coming up, as long as he was on his bottom. He promptly scooted (on his bottom) over to the edge and dangled his legs over. Then, when I had the floor completed, and one 2x4 around the edge, he came up and hung his little body over the edge, just hanging on to the board I had just screwed on. I grabbed him and dragged him back inside the railing and asked him if that was scary, he just looked puzzled and told me not really. Should have named him Sean, I guess...
Then as a side note, Stu wanted to make Wifey a Mother's Day card. I wrote while he dictated: "Dear Momma, I love you very much; thank you for all that you do, like make food. I love you. And chicken, yeah, I love chicken, too! Yum" Which sums him up pretty well; Momma and food, not necessarily in that order.

Then, unrelated to Mother's day, we had some good friends over for supper on Saturday that were gracious enough to be our guinea pigs and let us try out Beef Wellington on them. It went OK, but I overcooked the tenderloin, so it wasn't nearly as pink as it should have been...

Wifey also got a necklace from our girls with lots of pretty beads with some that spelled "Momo" in the middle, "because they didn't have any A's." Heh, I love having kids!

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