Tuesday, March 2, 2010

'49 international harvester

A collection: defined by Websters as "2: a : something collected; especially : an accumulation of objects gathered for study, comparison, or exhibition or as a hobby" Collections are a funny thing; as they can start inadvertently, if someone hears that you like say, for example, little pink stuffed bunnies, or perhaps cast iron elephants, then when it is time for gift giving (birthday, Christmas, etc) then that's what springs to mind. This continues until you are swimming in little pink stuffed bunnies, or perhaps cast iron elephants.
So, as it happens, I am the proud (really, truly) owner of not 1, but 2 1949 KB-5 International Harvester trucks. The first one was my wife's Grampa Harry's (which actually made it to the Royal Gorge and back) and the more recent was my own Grandad's (of which I'm fairly certain didn't ever make it to the Royal Gorge).
But anyway this first one was a source of fun and even a blog, because it had absolutely ZERO brakes, and now it does! Here's a picture:

Its a pretty hot little truck, huh? My Grandad's isn't in such cherry condition and is going to have to wait for my shed to be finished before anything great happens to it.
I would like to extend some "special props" to Mad Master Parts Man; Mister Michael Brown of Rose Motor Supply Inc. in Hutchinson, KS for all the Herculean effort in locating all the many and obtuse parts that literally every other parts guy in town just told me: "no, we cant get that"

Apparently, the '49 is a very difficult and rare bird to find parts for, rather than if it were a 1950; no problem, as they quit producing the KB series in '49. Anyway I just wanted to share my picture, because it has been a three month long project getting brakes on this thing, that turned into a bunch of other stuff like a new water pump, rear wheel bearings, battery, etc, and my master brake cylinder being shipped all the way to St. Louis to be re-sleeved, as even the M.M.P.M.; Mr. M.B. couldn't find a new one of those (thanks for the tip, Dad), but St. Louis is nothing to a truck that made it over the Royal Gorge!!!


Sean said...

collection of internationals, I'm gonna start calling you Jimmy Krebaum. That's a sweet picture of the '49, see the brakes on it? wow that really makes the picture.

grandmafoster said...

Re: Daniel's KB-5's treks.
Daniels' Grandad told me about his KB-5's "trip" to Okla. with a Massy Harris on it's back, the first harvest after purchase. It may not have been an adventure in Colo. and visit at the Royal Gorge--. But if Lanas' Dad was there in Okla. it was percipiently close to a screech---Translation: What a Hoot. Plus- for Grandad-THE AFFIRMATION-"well, young man, I see that you sure do know how to set a combine"-that came after an Old Oklahomian farmer scolded him for driving to fast while harvesting his wheat-then-after hands and knees inspection behind combine and a squint in the bin. Vindication! Affirmation! My Dad would have said: Well, Everyone needs to hit a home run now & then. Sounds like Brynn has hit a home run with her teaching skills! TOG