Saturday, December 20, 2008

winter wonderland

So last tuesday it snowed about 4 inches, a beautiful blanket of perfect work stopping snow. What else can you do but call your brother up and see if he wants to bring his family out to go sledding? The only problem is, neither of us own a sled, but thats no problem for 2 guys that own a plasic 55 gallon barrel, a skil saw, several chunks of #10 rebar, and a welder. The end result was more fun than a barrel of Foster monkies, mostly because the kiddos could hunker down and not worry at all about getting blasted by the snow. Oldest LOVED it and she usually isnt too into "cold and wet fun". Even my dog Sam got into the action...


Andrew Hawkinson said...

Way to go! I went snowboarding and skiing two days ago, but I'm pretty sure you guys had at least as much fun! That looks so cool!

grandmafoster said...

I didnt see the "little" boys out there! or maybe I should have said Littler boys as it looks like you guys are little boys at heart! fun for old grandma and grandfather to see everyone haveing so much fun!! love ya mom.