Friday, December 27, 2013

Christmas break, part 2

It is soo nice when there is nasty weather around Christmas time, it is a naturally slow time for us, and it turns into a VERY slow time for us! (work wise)  I get to soak up some days at home, get some stuff done, hang out with my kids, etc.

Here are my "Curly-Cuteys;" rag curls are a Christmas eve tradition by now, done by family friend and hair specialist Haley.

Below is our first turkey butchering; the oldest boy and I raised them, fed them, and butchered them together.  He did a really great job of being responsible for them when they were alive and was super interested and helpful in the butchering and the processing of this first one as well.
I smoked it last night, but alas, it did not turn out that great.  It was pretty dry; I don't know what I did wrong... But it may have been a little tough naturally; his name was "Blinky" because he could only see out of one eye, so maybe he had a hard time foraging.

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