Saturday, October 29, 2011

Christ Returneth!

This morning about 20 minutes ago (4:30 am), the Lord gave me a little something in the way of a foretaste of his triumphant return. Both Brynn and I were laying in bed asleep, when we were both awakened by a mighty trumpet blast that filled the room and yet wasn't from the room. I lay still for a moment as this sound continued; in wonder, then my heart leapt! What else could this be? Christ Returneth! Hallelujah! As I continue to lay there, though, it became obvious as I became more awake that it was (oddly enough) only a train. I've lived here for six years, and slept with the windows open plenty, and can still recollect about 2 times that I could ever even HEARD the train at all, much less have it wake us both up (with windows down, no less). It is depressing to sit in front of my computer, in my freshly 37-year-old un-perfected form, with my joints and back aching, fresh from lying still for 6 hours in my bed. God's creation, THIS creation, this cracked vessel, me, cries out for Christ's return. But I think of those I know, who don't know him, I realize that my desires are selfish; that tarrying is an act of mercy. Lord, come quickly; thank you for your mercy of not coming quickly.

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