Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Big Chicken Business

So, today I measured a metal building that is squatting upon well over one million square feet of floor space. This building (already two years into its construction) is to be used for egg and chicken production, and even while still under construction, just got its first batch of baby chicks this week.
Raising chickens must be "Big Business"; but apparently, spelling is NOT. I love construction! It makes me feel so smart! A little bit added sweetness is that it isn't even the right address.
This made me reflect back to my Spanish classes I took from Señor Schmidt, that at times ran a little long when he had to stop teaching Spanish in order to teach basic English to many of the adult students, including obscure and complicated sentence structure topics like: subject, verbs, prepositions, and most complex of all, the adverb. At the risk of poking a "bête noire," I'm just saying that it seems that our public education system could use a little tune up. Then again, I'm glad that there is still a place for us bad spellers to work at! (I put that preposition on the end of that sentence on purpose just for a little pithy irony. Did it work?)

1 comment:

grandmafoster said...

yes it worked! but spelling is probalby like the math if you need it you will get better at it.
Trouble is people don't need it as much anymore with spell check! AND believe me I am PTL for spelol check! :0) mom